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Our Articles

Over 160,000 Customers use Text Marketing. Learn how it can help you increase your customer retention and grow your business below

Why Real Estate

With 90% of realtors preferring to communicate via text message it is easy to see why Text Marketing is growing rapidly among Real Estate Agents. Real Estate is about relationships, and SMS allows you to focus on the relationship with the expectation that your communications are being seen. Text messages have a 98% open rate as opposed to a phone call response rate of 6% or an email open rate of about 21%.

Guide for Real Estate

Here we go over the steps of using text marking in real estate. Including how to get people to signup, creating sms groups, auto responders, and much more.

SMS Compliance

Business SMS is an incredibly powerful tool as it gives you access to your customers personal space (their text message inbox). However because of that, many agencies throughout multiple governments have enacted some pretty basic rules that must be followed in order to legally gain the right to send your customers text messages.

Over 160,000 Customers use SMS Marketing, when will you join?

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