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You can also Contact Us directly
If I send 1 message to 100 people, how many messages is that?
Provided the message is 160 characters or less, it would count as 100 messages.
Can I Cancel anytime?
Yes, there is no limitiations on cancelation of any of our services.
How does your SMS system integrate with your contact system?
Our contact system is an expandable system, in which you setup custom fields and we make all of those fields available within our SMS system via a short code system. It is very easy to use, and it comes with examples.
What if I already have an appointment scheduling app or CRM? Can I still use Titanly?
Absolutely, one of the simplest ways to do this is to download your customer information from your current CRM into a .csv file. A .csv file is easy to upload to Titanly. From there, you can sort your customers into groups, sign them up for campaigns, and much more.Additionally, our custom API can help most apps talk directly to Titanly. This does involve contacting your web developer for set up.
What kind of businesses does SMS work best for?
Anyone with customers! You’ve probably seen text message marketing used by some of the online retailers you frequent, but e-commerce companies are not the only ones who can derive massive benefits from text message marketing. Realtors, flower shops, dry cleaners, mechanics, salons, and more gain huge advantages in their market using Titanly. If you have customers, Titanly is for you.
Are there legal considerations for texting customers?
Yes, please see our blog on how to (legally) implement your SMS marketing and drip campaigns for customers. Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple.
Are there different plans?
No, for our services you pay the base services and then based on usage. As you use the service more, the price per use declines.
If you still have questions Contact Us

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