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SMS Marketing for Real Estate Agents

With higher open rates and faster response times, realtors can gain a competitive advantage and sell more properties with SMS.
With 90% of realtors preferring to communicate via text message it is easy to see why Text Marketing is growing rapidly among Real Estate Agents. Real Estate is about relationships, and SMS allows you to focus on the relationship with the expectation that your communications are being seen. Text messages have a 98% open rate as opposed to a phone call response rate of 6% or an email open rate of about 21%.

The tools you need to succeed

  • Keep in front of clients - by making see your communications are seen, and not in a SPAM box.
  • Reduce wasted time - by sending out automated appointment reminders and follow ups.
  • Generate more leads - by having a curated list of people looking for the information on what you are selling
  • Close faster - by generating more leads, but also by getting response 60x faster than email.

Getting Started is as easy as 1, 2, 3… Go!

  1. Sign up with our SMS service
  2. Create an SMS Group, which automatically generates a QR code for you to download. Multiple groups can be used for different house price points.
  3. Print materials (yard signs, brochures, business cards, etc) with the automatically generated QR code, and place them in plain sight. This will get people signing up passively, but don’t forget to tell people to sign up as well.
  4. Once a month (or at whatever interval you deem fit) send out a link to a curated list of properties that you represent based on the group criteria

Cut down on missed appointments with our SMS enabled appointment system

  • Time is money, and a missed appointment in Real Estate often means travel time, as well as the opportunity cost of placing someone else in that time slot. Automated appointment reminders can help!
  • Our appointment and contact systems are included with our SMS system, to create an all in one system that will help you push your business to the next level.
  • With our appointment system you can schedule confirmation messages, appointment reminder messages, cancelation messages, and follow up messages in less that a minute.
  • Appointment reminder messages help to cut down on missed appointments by as much as 80%, while confirmations messages help to keep you and your customers on the same page reducing miscommunications.
62% of clients prefer to communicate with realtors via text messages
Only 5% of realtors currently communicate via text, leaving a huge opportunity.
Average Response time of a text message is 60x faster than Email

More and Better leads for faster Real Estate sales

  • SMS Marketing is inherently an opt in service. Because of that you have an extremely well targeted group of buyers at your fingertips.
  • It only take seconds for a client to scan a QR code and hit send. Making it fast and easy to go build your lists.
  • Your list will self prune because when a client no longer wants your messages, they can type STOP to remove themselves from the list. No work needed on your part.
  • Because the leads are high value, and the ease of gathering is also high you should have no problem turning your listings into sale at a much higher rate.
  • Build a relationship with personalized text messages

    • Our text messaging system has access to all the information you have our contact system via our predefined message system.
    • Our contact system is fully expandable and allows you to add any information you want to capture about your customers.
    • From there we use an extremely simple short code system to replace variables like [NAME] with the name of your customers.
    • With this level of customization, you should have no problem creating engaging and effective messages.

    Over 160,000 Customers use SMS Marketing, when will you join?

    Get Started
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